Monday, 14 June 2010

On the Road to Yosemite

The morning began with packing and stowing; it was all bungees, straps and using every space available. Tyres, water and oil checked windscreens cleaned.

Yosemite National Park is our destination for a two-night stop. Ken Miles gave us his routine Drivers Briefing – what not to miss and what to miss.

Our twenty Morgans set off to the Bay Bridge. We were on our way! MOA V had started! The group was very quickly split up and divided by the traffic and formed mini groups of two to three vehicles.

Freeway gave way to rolling Californian farmland, cattle and sheep one moments and nuts and fruit the next.

Our suggested route took us through gold rush areas which had not changed a great deal since the 1920’s when the gold had run out leaving picturesque shacks, mine heads and museums.

We arrived at our hotel just outside the Yosemite National Park at about 5.30pm. The rooms were good, but the view from the rear was exceptional; the river was in full pelt, a raging torrent and so loud it made conversation impossible. The snows have melted very late this year making the rivers and waterfalls unusually spectacular for June.

All the cars travelled without incident, so no overnight repairs.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun - I'm enjoying everyone's blogs. Nobody posted for a few days and I was longing to know how you all were. Lots of love to all, Jane.
